Anda suka berfoto / narsis ? ingin foto Anda menjadi keren dan disusun didalam satu foto sekaligus ? Ini solusinya. Picture Collage Maker adalah software yang berguna untuk membuat banyak foto menjadi susunan-susunan foto yang indah dengan beberapa kreasi template yang ada didalam software ini dan juga Anda dapat mengubah susunan foto sesuka hati Anda..... Chekidooot
Features :
- Easy to Use - Extremely easy to use. No experience or computer skills to use!
- Create Collage - Allows you to create one collage mixed compositing by thousands of pictures of any size; then you can overlay, arrange, adjust and configure the images to match your taste.
- Photo Collage Wizard - Offers a way to create a photo collage automatically, with selected photos and 1 single click of a button
- Real-Time Editing - Allows you to see the changes immediately, without saving and reopening the file.
- File formats - Ability to handle most of the common image formats (JPG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, WMF, TGA, PNG, ...)
- The default pattern - large number of designs created with Picture Collage Maker. You can use the sample templates or create their own layouts
- Khunh the and surrounding border - Includes product by a large number of sample frames and borders
- Wallpaper - Include the bulk product is ready to use wallpapers
- Clip Art - Include product, a large number of clipart for program
- The mask image - Include the products, a large number of photo masks for the program
- Download clipart, backgrounds, masks and frames give you online resources collage
- Layers - One image can superposition to the other images in the same puzzle; you can choose the order for the image layer by moving the selected layer up before or after. You can delete the class did not like and replace it with the new
- Enter text on the screen - Opens a text box on the image. You can resize and move the text to the preferred location on the photo page
- Adjustable text - allows you to change settings such as font, size, color
- Move, resize, set - Move, Rotate, Resize, and turn the picture in the frame
- Truncating - Allows you to trim down unnecessary areas in the collage
- Move Frames - On the sample project, you can sort the display of the frame set available
- Delete frame - remove the frame from the resource file photo collage
- Stretch Frame to Fit Page - Increase or decrease the size of the frame to fit the project page
- Page Orientation - Landscape. Set the size of the project page horizontally at 11 inches wide and 8.5 inches tall. (Other sizes can be set)
- Page Orientation - Portrait. Set the size of the project page vertically at 8.5 inches wide and 11 inches tall. (Other sizes can be set)
- Filters and Photo Effects - Advanced photo editing tools allow you to stylize the look of collage images through the use various filters, such as a grayscale filter, sharpen and blur
- Light & color processing - Allows you to edit the brightness and color of the image. Picture Collage Maker provides number of tools to control equivalent to the basic photo editing software packages
- Undo multiple times - Allows you to undo multiple changes in group
- Send Photo via Email - Send your collage to friends via email
- Printing - Print collage projects
- Save all images assembled into a single picture
- Set as wallpaper - Set the finished collage as wallpaper or wallpaper slideshow
Supported Formats :
- JPEG - Joint Photographic Expert Group, color image compression techniques reduce the quality
- TIF, TIFF - Universal Graphic Format for PC and Mac systems
- BMP-Windows bitmap graphics formats
- GIF - Graphic Interchange Format, bitmap graphics format used on the World Wide Web;
- PNG - Portable Network Graphics
Link download
- Picture Collage Maker
- Picture Collage Maker Pro
- Serial Key ( TESTED ON WINDOWS 7 Ult x86 by My Self )
Serial Number Collage Maker :
Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat
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